Sunday, April 18, 2010

Party with Bach and Beethoven

Always extend a party invitation to your friends' friends! Why? First of all, the more the merrier (or: the more the many-er, as we say here in the Philippines). Secondly, you never know who might walk through your door. It might be no other than Macky Chua, the lead violinist of the Manila Philharmonics, bringing along his dog, violin, Bach and Beethoven!

Who would have thought I'd hear the work of great German composers played live at my house while indulging in Yellow Cab pizza? The iPod made for the missing orchestra and when Macky played Bach's Konzert fuer 2 Violinen in D-moll I had goosebumps all over!

Macky's admiration for classical music goes beyond being a virtuoso with the violin. He knows the details of his favorite composers' lives and all what influenced their works. Much of this he learned during his two years at the University of Music Freiburg, Germany. Apologizing for his rusty German (it's been eight years) he reminisced about his student life in Germany, the cold winters and how demanding his education was. Listening to Macky play I'd say it was well worth it!

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