Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The fall of the Berlin wall

50 years ago, in 1961, the Berlin Wall was built, dividing East and West Germany for 28 years. Today, we celebrate the 12th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, the Iron Curtain, the beginning of the end of the Cold War.

In German history
November 9 is an important date, marking positive and negative events along the way. (Which is one of the reasons why German Day of Unity is not November 9 but October 3.)

Let's trace back some of the more "recent" events on a November 9 in German history.

In 1918, the Weimar Republic was proclaimed today. The proclamation happened twice: by Philipp Scheidemann who proclaimed a democratic republic as well as by Karl Liebknecht, who proclaimed a socialist republic. Scheidemann's democratic idea prevailed. Monarchy was prelaced by a republic with a constitution - the birth of the Weimar Republic.

In 1923, November 9 marked Hitler's first attempted to seize power during the "Munich Putsch". Although unsuccessful in this coup d'etat, it gave rise to the Nazi Party which later ruled Germany.

November 9, 1938 is the sad date remembered as "Kristallnacht". Synagogues were burned to the ground and more than a thousand Jews killed... a herald of the cruelties against humanity during the following World War II.

November 9, 1989: the fall of the Berlin Wall!

Today we look back at the our German history. For the bad events not to be denied, forgotten or repeated! At the same time to acknowledge the long way the country has come - from separation to unity to European leader.

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