Sunday, October 31, 2010

All Souls Regatta, Mindoro

Once in a while we enjoy the decadence of a big mono-hull sailboat. (Well, big according to our Hobie 16 standards...). The great thing about bigger boats is that you can enjoy a drink between each tack.

Aboard Alan Burrell's "Sandoway" we served as rail meat, putting our full weight (yes, every single one of the combined 285 pounds) on the railing. The wind was good and just as we hit record speed downwind, flying our Philippine-flag-spinnaker, the colorful balloon sail tore apart! Alan took the loss of a 4K $ sail very calmly: he handed over the tiller and asked, without raising his voice at all, if his beloved wife could hand him a beer. I guess it's not the first sail Alan waved good bye to.

Apart from this accident, which cost us two or three boats, we had a most pleasant day on the water! Thanks Alan & Susi!

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