Monday, October 4, 2010

Loving my Kindle!

My kindle and I – it was love at first sight! Three months and various e-books later there is more than just butterflies. It’s a deep appreciation for the technology I call mine.

Going on a 15-hour flight from Manila to Berlin, I’d usually bring around three paper books. I’m overly ambitious, believing I’ll have all the time in the world on the plane and spent just as much of it reading. In the (as proven rather unlikely) event I turn out to be a 15-hour bookworm I want to be flexible in my choice of literature. Therefore I bring something serious, something funny, and a friend’s recommendation which, time-starved during a work week, I never got around to read.

I reached personal record on-plane-book-weight while researching for my master thesis on ‘Communication 2.0’. On my way to the US my carry-on luggage burst with four books and various 30 plus page PDF print outs. That was a two week holiday trip! Since I had marked and made notes in all the readings I was forced to bring them back to Manila. On top, I bought more books in the US during a ‘Border’s-Bookstore-shopping-spree’ revival.

Today, I travel light. Really light! So light, I don’t even have to ask the old sweaty guy next seat to help me heave my carry on in or out the overhead compartment.

My sexy slim white companion in its cute orange suit is all I need. It’s not just his looks, he’s smart, too. Whatever my mood is or my reading whims are, I find the right tranquilizer in the vast repertoire he carries for me. He takes notes and highlights interesting paragraphs so I can get back to them anytime. He translates words as if he knew the whole Oxford American Dictionary by heart. If I want to be entertained, he even reads to me for hours and hours without getting tired. His endurance is endless and his performance is most satisfying! And, if I fall asleep he slips a bookmark between the pages, closes my book, and tugs me in.

It’s not just a fling! It seems my kindle and I share the same brain. Relationship 2.0!

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