Monday, January 10, 2011

2010 - 2011

2010 has been a good year! I turned 30 and survived! But, there have been other achievements I’m proud of. Achievements that are not necessarily related to the social or professional realms of my life. Very personal achievements driven purely by self-interest.

One is the birth of this blog. I love to write, I love to share stories. I wanted to blog for the longest time but struggling for time I never got around to do it. I finally took the time!

Another self-centered wish was a closer bond with my niece Selina. Turning five this March her little world grows at the speed of light! Her brain soaks up everything she sees, hears, and feels. I’m not around. I’m not part of the process, neither as influence nor as witness. I made it a point to see her at least once a week. We now have regular skype chats every Friday (which I try to block off in my calendar no matter what).

The next personal achievement was my Master’s Degree. One could say that a postgraduate degree falls into the realm of professional achievement. In my case, I disagree. I don’t even know if the degree is accepted in Germany or outside the Philippines. The certificate in my hand can’t give me a fraction of the satisfaction I experienced during the process of obtaining it. Yes, it was a struggle for discipline, time and motivation for most parts of it. The experience was invaluable, the self-awareness more intense than any meditation course or “self-discovery” trip to India.

My resolutions for 2011? Humble. I want to become confident in helming our Hobie Cat. I want to improve my Poi-skills (which comes with nourishing my friendships with my Zips family). I want to maintain and improve my Yoga practice. I want to start a second blog (this time more work related. Don’t worry, it won’t be boring!). I want to write more, professionally. And, last but not least, I want to use less swear words!

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