Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Handicap (3) – Healing

Today's visit to my doctor yielded conservative optimism about the surgery he did 10 days ago. The current angle of the radius to the wrist is much closer to normal than it was before. Not perfect, but much better! Much is speculation anyway since the cobra fixator blocks the x-rays to get a good view on the fracture. That means, we'll have to wait until the healing process is completed, the pins removed, and the arm free of obstacles.

This, however, might still take a while. The initial 6 to 8 weeks of the fixator just moved up to 8 to 10 weeks. What? Another 7 or 9 weeks with pins sticking out of my arm? This new date comes alarmingly close to our planned trip to Indonesia in April... Well, health first!

In the meantime, he encouraged me to actively use my left hand as normally as possible. My joints have already become stiff causing pain when I move them. My prescription says to move my fingers, flex them, stretch them, hold a fork, and knead an old sock (in the absence of a stress ball).

In that light I'm proud to announce that this blog has been typed with 9.5 fingers (my left thumb is still a bit lazy)! Now, who says that time spent in front of the computer is not good for your health?

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