Friday, March 18, 2011

Barangay Ordinance 01-2011

The discussion about the Barangay Ordinance No. 01-2011, entitled "An Ordinance Providing for the Safety and Protection of the Unborn Child within the territorial jurisdiction of Barangay Ayala Alabang; Fixing Penalties for its Violations, and for Other Purposes" goes on and on. The ordinance stipulates residents of Ayala Alabang can buy condoms only on prescription. The ordinance is so controversial and contradicting that its implementation is still pending.

The words "contraceptive" and "abortion" are mentioned in one breath, almost interchangeably in the debate.

I'm trying hard to comprehend the similarities between preventing an unwanted pregnancy and aborting an unwanted pregnancy. What is there to abort if there is no pregnancy yet?

If I engage in sexual intercourse using a condom the only thing I might "abort" is the chance of a pregnancy. To call prevention abortion is like canceling a flight I haven't booked yet, like returning a pair of shoes I haven't bought yet, like breaking up with someone I haven't even started dating.

In other words, the city ordinance does not protect the right of an unborn child (which you may or may not claim as united egg and sperm) but the chance of conception. If that is the case, we should call it as medically and scientifically as it is. What the ordinance wants to protect is the sperm's and egg's rights to unite.

Let's switch from condoms and oral contraceptives to natural family planning methods (promoted by the Department of Health (DoH)). Natural Family Planning (NFP) means "limiting sexual intercourse to naturally infertile periods: portions of the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, or after menopause."

For this method to be effective women need to have an understanding of how their reproductive organs work. It also requires reliably monitoring the monthly cycle to identify fertile and non-fertile days. I'd say this alone is quite a challenge in the Philippines. If there is no sex education in school how is a Filipina to know what's happening inside of her? This is exhibit number 1 that Natural Family Planning in the Philippines is as effective as the skyrocketing population growth statistics prove.

Apart from the question of the reliability of Natural Family Planning methods let's compare it to condoms and contraceptives. NFP basically teaches: if you want to get pregnant, have intercourse during your fertile days (don't use a condom). If you don't want to get pregnant have intercourse during your non-fertile days (use a condom). The DoH does not promote abstinence!

Let's apply the logic of "prevention equals abortion" to NFP. In other words, every couple engaging in not-for-procreation sex during non-fertile days "commits" abortion! If prevention is abortion, and abortion is murder then what exactly does Natural Family Planning promote? Murder?!

Since the Barangay Ordinance "condemns the use of contraceptives" and "denounces the use of condoms" but "promotes Natural Family Planning services" it promotes murder!

How quickly an effort for "Safety and Protection of the Unborn Child" can turn into a call for murder! Black on white. Passed and approved on January 3, 2011.

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