Friday, March 4, 2011

Powered by leftovers

My new apple green Preserve cutting board is "powered by leftovers". The company's theme "Nothing wasted. Everything gained."appeals to me.

Call me a tree-hugger, an environmentalist or a hypocrite - I do care for our planet. While my unavoidable travel-carbon-footprint might be high, I try my best to limit my negative impact on the environment whenever I can.

I bring my tumbler to Starbucks or order my coffee in a mug. I take only one (recycle paper) napkin. I bring my cotton bags to the grocery store (in fact, one of my first Tagalog statements was "Wag na plastic!" - No plastic! since every item bought is wrapped in too much plastic here). I try to minimize (or maximize the efficiency of) washing machine loads to save energy and reduce waste water and washing detergent. I shut off the car engine while parking (not as common sense as it might seem... I see way too many drivers waiting in their cars for hours with the engine running to enjoy the aircon).

I do not switch off the light for an hour during "Earth Day". I don't believe in impractical approaches to saving energy for an hour... while the aircon is running at full blast.

But what is really behind Preserve's claim "One day a food storage container, the next day a cutting board."? A quick check at the company's website explains, in layman's terms, how much a difference my new cutting board makes on the environment. Quite an educational read!

I'm impressed. Not just by the company's cool products and environmental stewardship, but by the economic viability the process of reduce, reuse, recycle holds according the Preserve's president Eric Hudson.

Two green thumbs up for smart people like him who make 'going green' a great business model!

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