Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Embroidered Wisdom

Without discrediting the art of embroidery I do have my doubts with the wisdoms (or subtle indoctrination?) they display.

This one I found at my doctor’s office. I’d title it “Twisted Standards for Personal Success”. It reads:

To laugh often and much
To win the respect of intelligent people
And the affection of children.

To earn the appreciation of honest critics…

For the first time I thought “wow, this is actually nice…”. Then came the punch line that completely threw me off:

And endure the betrayal of false friends.

This is to have succeeded.


First, what is a false friend? Isn’t a “false friend” an oxymoron? A person who is false is not a friend. Congratulations to everybody who can tell a friend from a non-friend.

Second, why would I endure the betrayal from anybody, let alone an identified “false friend” (read: non-friend or even enemy)?

Nobody with a spark of self-respect would endure betrayal. No matter who betrays. Friendship is based on mutual respect and trust. If one is missing or has been abused it’s time to call it off!

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