Saturday, August 6, 2011

Canoeing & kayaking!

I remember the whole day kayak trips we used to take as a family during summer vacation. Four people squeezed in a two-man kayak plus food supplies, blankets, and swim gear. We’d start of at our campground and meander from one lake to the other, passing through narrow channels rich with shy wildlife (which my sister and would try to feed along the way). We’d stop here and there for a swim or lunch break. I loved it!

All this memory came back to life when we explored the Oswego River in New Jersey. Glenn and Burke pushed down the river in a canoe while I glided through the shallow waters in my bright yellow kayak.

The river has an amber color. It’s something the roots of the trees in the area release into the water. Nothing bad, it just looks funny. At this time of year the river doesn’t carry much water. More than once we got stuck on a bed of pebbles, on a tree blocking the way, or the long river grasses flowing like green hair in the stream.

The slight current made the paddling easy. The scenery was just beautiful! And quiet! The highlight was a rope swing (which hadn’t been cut down by authorities yet). We swung and splashed – just like back in the days!

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