Thursday, August 18, 2011

Off road bus

At first I couldn't believe my ears: a bus fell of the Skyway? Then I couldn't believe my eyes: it's a "Dimple Star" bus, the bus company I commute from Alabang to Lawton and back with!

Luckily, office was suspended on Tuesday, July 26 due to heavy rains and storm. The reasons, according to the bus driver who survived the accident, he lost control over the bus and dropped some 40 feet off the Skyway. Three people died, another three go injured.

According to the survivors and other witnesses the bus driver was racing the bus in these bad weather conditions which lead to the accident.

Rain, storm, driver's stupidity... whatever the real reason for the accident, I'm not surprised! The public transport system in Manila (and throughout the Philippines) is an absolute disaster. Most of the buses lack any standard for safety. Maintenance is an alien concept as broken seats, weird engine sounds, and slow breaking maneuvers prove. Yet theses buses use the Skyway, Coastal Road, and other "highway like" roads at a speed of 60mph and more! Some of the driver's aggressive and cocky attitude is yet another story I'm not even going into at this point.

As the "authorities" are obviously concerned with the public's safety, the Dimple Star bus operation has been suspended for the time being. But is commuting any safer for me? Not at all! I'd say the current scenario is even more dangerous for the commuting public.

The huge crowd of commuters is now facing an "under supply" of buses. The remaining bus companies take full advantage of the situation and overload their buses like there is no tomorrow! Now people are standing, squeezed like sardines, on the high-speed ride along the Skyway! Safety first?

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