Saturday, December 18, 2010

21st Century Travels

I am once more amazed how things always seem to work out in the Philippines. The lessons I learned during my latest trip from the Philippines to America are the following:

Lesson number One: don't panic in the face of Manila's overwhelming traffic! Manila's traffic never moves, so why should it at 4am on the way to the airport? Breathe deeply while carefully navigating your car from four lanes down to one counter flowing lane along the expressway. Watch out for the small dirty orange traffic cone serving as temporary lane divider. It's not illuminated so you might run into the oncoming traffic. Sorry, the traffic enforcer supposed to handle the cars going through that eye of the needle is out of sight.

Lesson number Two is: just keep it cool when you find out you can't check-in because you missed the latest of the United State’s security enhancing programs. Such is the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) for travelers under the Visa Waiver Program. Calmly proceed to a computer, complete your ESTA application, pay your 14$, and you are a welcomed visitor to the US just like the year before. Note to self: check the immigration regulations of the travel destination! Always! This is the 21st century and anything can change in the name of security!

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